Friday, December 16, 2011

Tex Saverio Spring 2011 "Le Glacon" at Jakarta Fashion Week

    Tex Saverio Spring 2011 "Le Glacon" at Jakarta Fashion Week was breath-taking. In every collection that he made always gives a touch of glamour, classy, sophisticated, and extraordinary.

    When i came to the fashion show, watching Tex Saverio's show is like getting surprise from him, in addition he was also closing act from the Dewi Fashion Knights show at Jakarta Fashion Week that many of people have been waiting for. 

    His collection that show so much big gowns with gorgeous details like fur, feather and branches, and the color of the dresses mostly gold and silver.  #lasalle

Monday, December 12, 2011


The program is to prepare students to gain their career in Fashion Business, especially in the Retail industry, Manufacturing, Merchandising and Garment. The curriculum stimulates creative in all aspects of in Fashion Business. It involves imparting knowledge about the global industry of fashion along with the fundamentals of creation and design of various fashion items that includes everything from clothing, accessories to footwear.  
The degree provides a strong hold to students over the necessary business skills for a bright career in merchandising that also includes retail management, understanding the psychology of consumers or consumer behavior, modern business technology and retail management. #lasalle